Resolutions and Minutes of the General Assembly Minutes of the Extraordinary General Meeting (Notarized) held on 14-7-2019 Minutes of the Extraordinary General Assembly Meeting held on 14/7/2019 Minutes of the Ordinary General Meeting (Notarized) held on 28/03/2019 Minutes of the Ordinary General Meeting (Notarized) held on 28/03/2019 Minutes Of The Extraordinary General Assembly Meeting Held On 28/3/2019 Minutes of the Ordinary General Meeting held on 28/3/2019 Minutes of the Ordinary General Meeting (Notarized) held on 26/03/2018 Minutes of the Ordinary General Meeting (Undocumented) held on 26-3-2018 Summary of the resolutions of the Ordinary General Assembly held on 26-3-2018 Minutes of the Ordinary General Meeting (Notarized) held on 20/6/2017 Unaudited Ordinary General Assembly Minutes held on June 20, 2017 Minutes of the Ordinary General Assembly Meeting on 22/3/2017 Summary of the resolutions of the Ordinary General Assembly dated 22/3/2017 Minutes of the Ordinary General Meeting (Notarized) held on 12/5/2016 Summary of the resolutions of the Ordinary General Assembly held on 12-5-2016 Minutes of the General Assembly Change to the Ordinary General Meeting held on 23-3-2016 The Minutes of the Ordinary General Assembly (Notarized) held on 23-3-2016 Summary of the resolutions of the Extraordinary General Assembly held on 23-3-2016 Summary of the resolutions of the Ordinary General Assembly held on 23-3-2016 Minutes of the Ordinary General Assembly held on 20-9-2015 Summary of the resolutions of the Ordinary General Assembly held on 20-9-2015 Minutes of the Ordinary General Assembly Documented and held on 23-3-2015 Summary of Ordinary General Assembly Resolutions held on 23-3-2015 Minutes of the Ordinary General Assembly held on 30-3-2014 Summary of Ordinary General Assembly Resolutions held on 30-3-2014 Summary of the resolutions of the Ordinary General Assembly held on 15-9-2013 Summary of AGM Resolutions 2013 Summary of General Assembly Resolutions 2012